Tips for the BEST Cup of Herbal Tea !
If you’re anything like me then to start off your day you have to have your morning #Tea, aka the life bringer, and you may be a bit of a tea snob as well.
Personally, I enjoy a nice strong flavorful tea with just a little sweetness to really highlight the herbs flavor.
some really common sweeteners that have their own medicinal properties would be:
Honey - which is known to be antiviral and antibacterial perfect for the fall and winter season
Agave - A great alternative for those wanting to watch their sugar and full of necessary vitamins and nutrients like vitamin K and folate
Stevia Leaf - Stevia is 2-3x sweeter than cane sugar is a great alternative for those needing to watch their sugar. This natural herb is low-calorie and a great addition to any tea.
Let it steep !
Key to a nice strong cup of tea is letting it steep, seriously I know you’re ready to drink your tea and you want it right now but to get the most flavorful tea + extract all those amazing benefits of your herbs be sure to let it steep.
“ How long” you may ask well that truly depends on the type of herbs in your tea blend. Flowers and leaves tend to extract ( pull all the flavor out ) 7-10 minutes you can steep for longer but after that first 10 you’re good to go.
Roots and barks need a bit more time. Turmeric, ginger, osha, and cinnamon are all examples of roots and barks ( and when blended together and make a really really good chai like tea thats perfect for inflammation ) . I recommend stepping your roots and barks from 15 to 20 minutes to get the best results.
Why ? Roots and Berks are thicker and denser than flowers and for that reason take more time to extract all that amazing nutritive goodness that we need.
Make it drip 💧
The right amount of water mixed with your tea blend will give you the flavor that you’re looking for. Too much water and you have a bland and light tasting tea, not enough water and your tea will be very potent and strong tasting.
The key is adding the perfect amount for the amount of herbs that you’re using. 6 to 8 ounces of water is typically a nice amount for a tablespoon of tea leaves.
Now I’ve given you all the tools , go be great and enjoy your body loving , herbal medicinal goodness or for short tea ❤️
One of my favorites #teamugs on a sunny day featuring Fruity Tutti Tea ☀️